Investors Network Community (INC)

2025 Real Estate Investors
Mastermind Community

Grow your investments and become financially  and personally secure and confident through membership in a strong community that has your back.

This group is for you if you are a real estate investor who is looking for a strong, confidential community that not only helps you prosper, but gets you through the difficult times.  
Reach and exceed your financial and personal goals much more quickly than when you go it alone!

Not sure what a mastermind group for real estate investors is all about?   Watch this short video to find out.

To hop on a call to see if this is a good fit for you, contact me at  We'll set up a convenient time to chat.  Or click on the calendar link below to schedule a time.  

OR... Join the Investment Community of the Rockies (ICOR)
and the INC Mastermind



Nine-month program of Mastermind Group meetings (7 members max), guided program to create your personalized action plan, community forum for feedback and support between meetings and more!


Per month for nine months

Same features as one-time plan, but payments spread over nine months


INC Nine-month Mastermind Program
Annual ICOR Membership with full benefits
and amazing bonuses

The Schedule 

  • Monthly Mastermind meetings held for nine months.  Meetings start once a group of 7 members maximum is formed.  A few seats are left for our next group!
  • Participants will begin by clarifying their vision, creating goals and an action plan as a foundation to get the most from their Mastermind experience
  • Weekly half-hour check-in's to commit to your week's actions
  • Members-only Facebook forum to visit between meetings when you need a sounding board, ideas, and resources
  • Extra bonus sessions with subject matter experts based on members' needs as needed

Schedule a No-Obligation Call to Discuss Your Goals and Answer Your Questions
Click Below on a Pink 1-1 Booking that Fits Your Schedule
Not seeing a time that works for you?  Send me an email with some times: 

Upcoming Live Sessions
  • No Live Sessions

What others say about participating in the Mastermind Program 

Katy is not only an inspirational leader, but she worked with each individual in the group to make the experience meaningful for their particular situation.
She gave us thought-provoking questions and helped us really clarify our goals. I was able to leave with a detailed plan of action, and with the support of my mastermind group, I know I will stay on track in implementing that plan."

Nan Keehner
Private Lender and Investor

"The  Visioning meeting provided an excellent opportunity to help us gather  our thoughts, plans, and ideas to develop a vision. By attending and  discussing these topics with other attendees, we were able to expand our  visions and implement a level of accountability to ourselves and  others. Thanks for bringing all of us together to work on the projects."  

Ron Vasquez

"Katy did an excellent job helping me to narrow down why it is I want to invest. The supportive, well run group setting plus templates & guidelines for goal setting have helped me gain clarity. I highly recommend Katy and consider it both time and money well spent!"

James Beckman

Your Master Mind Program Facilitator:  Katy Fleming

Welcome!  Through mastermind communities and educational events, I will assist you along with your small community of fellow real estate investors in identifying and accomplishing your goals (and have your back so you stay on track).  You'll discover the financial freedom and life you desire through the time-honored and evidence-based approach of masterminds.   

I founded Investors Network Community (INC) in 2011, a real estate investing group utilizing a "facilitated networking" approach to build a productive community of support.   After witnessing many investors network in our meetings, but never really putting their new-found knowledge and contacts to use, I changed the group's model to a more individualized and small group mastermind format.    

INC brings five- seven individuals together in regularly scheduled meetings to focus on accomplishing investment goals through brainstorming, support, collaboration and accountability.   I am passionate about this approach.  I have personally discovered the impact of participating in real estate and business masterminds to fast forward my own goals and dreams and wouldn't even consider giving up participation in my mastermind. 

My love for real estate investing began in 1995 when I bought my first property, lived in it, refinanced to buy another property and converted my first property into a rental.  I did that a few more times, wholesaled, flipped, then purchased long-term rentals in my home state of Ohio which I still hold today.  My journey really began with "helping" my dad as a little girl when he not only taught me how to swing a hammer and fostered a love for remodeling, but also instilled in me a powerful belief - that girls could be and do anything they choose.

I am committed to investing with honesty and integrity and believe in the importance of developing a community of support who is committed to the same.  I have experienced my share of challenges and successes and understand firsthand the importance of having a guiding vision, clarifying goals, and establishing a plan.  But most importantly, participating in a community of support is vital in order to get past challenges and experience success.  It's difficult to remain accountable if we don't have another person or group to remain accountable with!   

For the past four decades, I have led large and small groups from five to over one hundred members in education, non-profits and the investment arena in accomplishing goals.  My group leadership, education and community engagement incorporates effective, evidence-based methods using adult brain-based learning. As an investor, investment association leader and professional development trainer, I love helping real estate investors and others realize the life of their dreams. Connect with me at  Hope to see you soon!

Don't find yourself looking back this time next year, having made no progress toward reaching financial independence and living the life you deserve.  Find out today if the 2024 Real Estate Investor's Mastermind Program is the experience and positive change you've been looking for but didn't know how to achieve.